Sunday, November 22, 2020

My newest book re-living a great time in my life coaching girls softball. After dragging my feet over the fear of getting involved in coaching, I have to say the girls I coached made this a very special memory for me. Another addition to a series of books written regarding self-help.

Friday, March 6, 2020


This whole thing started with hearing and reading negative comments about where I live. The comments created the feeling that a prizefighter gets after getting knocked down to the canvas. While sitting there, the fighter contemplates staying down to lose the fight or get up and defend themselves. The decision that I made was to stand up and defend what I believed in.

In the old days families settled in the area where they were born. That was just the right thing to do. Today, things have changed as we have become much more of a mobile society. That is totally understandable. However, it’s important to never forget where you came from. I never believed that speaking badly about anything was good for your soul, especially about your hometown.

So, I got up from that canvas to defend the place that I love. That place is Binghamton in New York. The place where I grew up, the place where my wife and I raised our family. I learned many things about this city while writing this book. Things that I always seemed to be too busy to be bothered to learn in my younger years. I learned about people that came here long ago that cared about others, their families and most importantly the children. What these people did for me and this area created a deep feeling of pride. I can only describe it as a feeling of being home.

HOME Is Where My Heart Is and my heart is in Binghamton, NY.